mini fruit tart

Mini fruit tart

Mini fruit tarts are the ideal culinary saver for your sweet cravings or a life saver when you know you have guests over and not much time. They work well all year round with the different types of fruits that are available in each season. I made them in this recipe with small apples and plums. Small pears will work too, or in summer apricots, nectarines or peaches. They taste delicious cold with some Greek joghurt or warm with some vanilla ice-cream. The only time-consuming part is the defrosting of the puff pastry. I used a 10 cm round cookie cutter but you can use any size that suits you.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine German
Servings 12 pieces


  • 10 cm round cookie cutter, mandoline


  • 400 g defrosted puff pastry, rolled out and 12 circles of 10 cm diameter cut out
  • 3-4 mini apples (I use the small fruits for children), peeled, cored, halfed and each half thinly sliced into halfmoon shapes
  • 3 large plums, washed, halfed, stoned and each half thinly sliced into halfmoon shapes
  • 4 Tblsp runny honey
  • 50 g chopped almonds
  • 2 Tblsp icing sugar


  • Preheat your oven to 220 degrees C.
  • Put the puff pastry discs on a lined baking sheet, dust with a little bit of icing sugar and arrange the fruit in a fanned circle over the dough.
  • Bake the tarts for 15 minutes. Please check your discs after 12 minutes since every oven works different.
  • Mix the honey with 1 teaspoon of water and brush the mix over the fruit, careful not to move the fruit slices.
  • Sprinkle the chopped almonds over and bake for another 8 to 10 minutes.
  • Sprinkle the remaining icing sugar over the tarts.
  • You can serve the tarts hot with vanilla ice-cream or cold with some Greek joghurt.
  • Tip: The mandoline works well to slice the apples into 1 cm to 1.5 cm slices. However the plum is easier to cut with a knife.
Keyword fruit tart

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