Honey and yoghurt panna cotta

Honey and yoghurt panna cotta

Panna cotta is an Italian classic in the dessert world and means nothing else than cooked cream. Yet simple, it is delicate, smooth and irresistible. Cream, sugar and gelatine are simmered and later chilled. You get panna cotta flavoured with all sort of ingredients like coffee, vanilla, fruit, etc., the possibilities are endless. In my version the cream is partially replaced with Greek yoghurt and instead of sugar, I use honey.
Prep Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine Italian
Servings 6 people


  • 320 ml cream
  • 1 vanilla bean, split and scraped
  • 90-110 g runny honey; I use 90 g, but if you have a sweet tooth you might want to use up to 110 g honey
  • 2 heaped tsp powdered gelatine.; if you want to demould your panna cotta for presentation, use an extra leveled tsp gelatine for a firmer texture
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 600 g Greek yogurt


  • Heat the cream with the honey and the split vanilla bean in a sauce pan until the honey is dissolved. Scrape any seeds out of the vanilla pot and add them back into the cream.
  • While the cream is heating up, mix the gelatine powder with the 2 tbsp of water and heat it up carefully in the microwave until the mixture is dissolved.
  • Remove the vanilla bean from the hot cream and stir in the liquid gelatine. Mix well.
  • Let the mixture cool down to room temperature.
  • Mix the Greek yoghurt into the cream mixture.
  • Fill the panna cotta into serving glasses and chill them in the fridge for at least 5 hours. If you go for a rustic and homey menu, use different little serving glasses. If you want a more elegant dessert, use plastic moulds that are lightly oiled with a neutral oil and demould each one on a plate before you decorate them.
  • You can serve the panna cotta plain as it is or decorate it with fresh fruit, like strawberries, raspberries, orange segments, cape gooseberries, blueberries or plain honey.
  • Tip to serve your panna cotta
  • Mix 70 g of runny honey with 45 ml fresh lemon juice. Add a few roasted sunflower seeds and top each panna cotta with a little bit of the mixture. Or decorate each panna cotta with fresh strawberries, honey and mint.

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